Song Research Group - News


  • September 2024:
    • 9th: Aimee Kessell has been recognized for her outstanding contributions to microbial metabolic networks with KBase. Her work was featured in the KBase newsletter in September 2024. Great job, Aimee!
    • 9th: Miao HE from Tokyo Metropolitan University visits UNL to share her research progress with us.  
  • August 2024:
    • August 14th to September 3rd: Dr. Mayumi Seto from Nara Women's University revisits us for three weeks for collaboration with us.   
    • 12th - 16th: The Song Lab's Bioinformatics and Modeling Workshop (SL-BMW) was held this year. The SL-BMW was organized and lectured by Dr. Hugh McCullough.  
    • 1st: Jackfin KC joins the lab as a new graduate student. Welcome Jackfin! 
  • May 2024:
    • 20th: Insoo Jeon joins the Song lab to work as an intern for six months.
    • 17th: Aimee Kessell was awarded her doctoral degree and participated in the hooding ceremony. Congrats, Dr. Kessell! 
    • 3rd: Mahsa Mohammadi received the BSE Inspire Award - Congrats to Mahsa!
  • April 2024:
    • 24th: KBase apps for running OMEGGA (OMics-Enabled Global GApfilling) developed by the Song lab in collaboration with PNNL Soil Microbiome SFA and KBase team are now officially released. These updates were featured through the KBase newsletter in April 2024. 
    • 9th: Aimee Kessell has successfully defended her PhD Dissertation - Congrats to Aimee!
    • 9th: Kiera Chan's machine learning project got the first place in the robotics and software (SORO) category at the Terra Finals Round! Kiera has also been awarded the NYU Tandon of Engineering STEM award, which is given to the projects that propose addressing societal importance problems to create healthy, secure, connected, smart and sustainable urban environments around the world. We are so proud of you, Kiera!
    • 2nd: Steve Zhang and Mahsa Mohammadi have been awarded College of Engineering Professional Development Fellowships - Congrats to both!
  • March 2024:
    • Kiera Chan's machine learning project with us has been selected to advance to the final rounds of 2024 TerraNYC STEM Fair!
    • Mahsa Mohammadi has been selected to be a fellow in the ASM Future Leaders Mentorship Fellowship (FLMF) program!
  • January 2024
    • 8th: Yoonmi Choi starts a GRA position in the Song lab. 


  • October 2023
    • 11th - 19th: Dr. Mayumi Seto at Nara Women's University visits us for collaboration.
    • 12th: Toko Hisano returns to Tokyo Metropolitan University after finishing the internship in the Song Lab.
  • August 2023:
    • 24th: Sanjog Kharel starts a GRA position in the Song lab.
    • 18th: Andrea Mikulasova from CBIO program joins the Song lab for a lab rotation during the fall semester.
    • 10th: Dr. Soo Hyun Park returns to Korea to start a new position as Research Professor at Ewha Womans University from September 2023.
  • July 2023:
    • 24th - 27th: Hugh McCullough wins the Best Student Poster award at the 2023 MPA conference held in Seoul, South Korea!
    • 8th: Manokaran, Hyun and their collaborators at IIT Madras organize a workshop on "Modeling and Data Integration for Control and Optimization of Chemical and Biological Systems" at the 22nd IFAC World Congress held in Yokohama in Japan.
    • 5th: Hugh McCullough successfully defended his PhD thesis - congrats Hugh!
  • June 2023:
    • Aimee Kessell receives a Larrick Graduate Student Travel Award for her participation in MPA 2023 - congrats Aimee!
    • Dr. Sridharakumar Narasimhan from IIT Madras visits UNL from June 5 to 7 to discuss collaboration with the Song lab.  
    • Toko Hisano from Tokyo Metropolitan University in Japan and Yoan Ghaffar from Aix-Marseille University in France start their internships in the Song lab - welcome on board Toko and Yoan!  
  • May 2023:
    • Congratulations to Naeun Lee for starting a new position as Research Associate at LanzaTech from May 30! 
    • Dr. Jeong Hoon Byeon at Yeungnam University visits UNL to give a BSE special seminar on May 4 (seminar title: Aerosol-Based Biomedical Engineering – Anticancer, Antimicrobial, and Antitransmission); Revisits with Jaeho Oh from May 25 to 27 to train us for the Rapid Pest Monitoring System developed by his group.
  • March 2023:
    • Congratulations to Naeun Lee for successfully defending her Master's thesis on March 30!
    • Kiera Chan's project was selected in the final round of Terra New York City (NYC) STEM Fair to represent NYC at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) in May 2023 - congrats Kiera! (Approximately 600 students from 26 high schools in the New York City submitted 393 applications to present at the 2023 Terra NYC STEM Fair. For the finals, only 81 projects by about 106 students were selected. Kiera's project was among the 13 projects by 15 students that were finally selected to represent NYC at the Regeneron ISEF in May 2023).
    • Huisun Eom joins our lab as an intern through the WEST program.
  • February 2023:
    • Song lab won the first place in the mockumentary video competition in the BSE winter party - special thanks to Mahsa, Ayeon, and Soo for making such a fantastic group mockumentary


  • December 2022: 
    • Aimee Kessell has passed her Candidacy Exam on December 15 - contrats Aimee!
  • November 2022:
    • Michael Israel passed the exam for a Master of Applied Science Degree - congrats Michael!
    • Dr. Manokaran Veeramani from IIT Madras joins our lab as a postdoctoral researcher.
    • Ayeon Park joins our lab as an intern through the WEST program.
  • September 2022: 
    • Dr. Shin Haruta (Department Head, Biological Sciences) from Tokyo Metropolitan University (TMU) is visiting our group and UNL for special lecture and seminar through TMU's Teacher Exchange Program; Dr. Song will also be scheduled to visit TMU for the same.
  • August 2022:
    • Naeun Lee is awarded a College of Engineering Professional Development Fellowship - Congrats Naeun!
    • Dr. Soo Hyun Park and Mahsa Mohammadi join the group as a postdoctoral researcher and a PhD student, respectively - welcome Soo and Mahsa!
    • Kiera Chan at Staten Island Technical High School joins the group to particiapte in the competition in the Terra New York City STEM Fair in December 2022.
  • June 2022:
    • Dr. Firnaaz Ahamed got married in Maylaysia - congrats Firnaaz! 
  • April 2022:
    • Dr. Song gives a keynote presentation on "Integration for Innovation: Coordinated Design of Data-Driven and Experimental Study for Accelerating Drug Discovery " at 2022 KOMETS (Korea Metabolite Society) conference (hybrid) (Session 8 Bioinformatics & Multiomics), Busan, South Korea. 
  • March 2022:
    • Dr. Song joins the editorial board of Frontiers in Microbiology (specialty section: Systems Biology) as Associate Editor.
  • January 2022: 
    • A Frontier's e-book edited by Dr. Song and colleagues is avaialble here for downloading: this e-book compiles all articles published in the Researh Topic: Predictive Modeling of Human Microbiota and their Role in Health and Disease.
    • Hugh McCullough completed his Ph.D. candidacy exam - congratulations Hugh!


  • August 2021:
    • Steve Zhang joins the Song Lab through the Ph.D. Program in Complex Biosystems.
    • Dr. Song serves as a committee member of 2021 Metabolic Pathway Analysis being held at University of Tennessee, Knoxville, August 2-6, 2021.
  • July 2021:
  • May 2021:
    • Dr. Ab Rauf Shah joins the Song group as a post-doctoral researcher.
  • February 2021:
    • Aimee Kessell is giving an invited talk at 2021 Biological System Sciences Division Principal Investigators' Meetings (Feb 22-24, 2021) on the following topic: "Metabolic Network and Metabolomics Integration to Predict the Shifts in Microbial Processes across Globally-Distributed River Corridors."
    • Firnaaz Ahamed joins the Song Lab as a postdoctoral researcher.
  • January 2021:
    • Naeun Lee comes back to the Song Lab to start a new career as a master student in BSE at UNL.
    • 2020 Multiscale Microbial Dynamics Modeling Course is now on KBase (visit the Course Page and Post on KBase; see also the highlights of the contribution from the Song Lab in EMSL Blog). 


  • November 2020:
    • Steve Zhang at UCSD starts internship in the Song lab.
  • October 2020:
    • Dr. Song is hosting the seminar by Dr. Thomas Metz from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory arranged as part of UNL's Biotechnology / Life Sciences Seminar Series: Shifting the metabolomics paradigm: use of computationally predicted metabolite reference data for comprehensive metabolite identification, October 21, 2020.
  • September 2020:
    • Bingjun Zhu joins the group to work as an undergraduate researcher for Fall Semester 2020.
    • Naeun Lee joins the group for the internship from March to September, 2020.
  • July 2020:
  • March 2020:
    • Dr. Shin Haruta from Tokyo Metropolitan University is visiting our group for collaboration, March 9 - 11, 2020.  
  • February 2020:
    • Dr. Song is hosting Dr. Neslihan Taş' visit from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory for a seminar at the Nebraska Center for Biotechnology arranged as part of UNL's Biotechnology / Life Sciences Seminar Series: Deep look into deep soils: Microbial ecology and carbon cycling below the rooting zone, , February 12, 2020. 
    • Dr. Song is hosting Dr. Stephen Lindeman's visit from Purdue University for a seminar at the Nebraska Food for Health Center: Fiber structure controls on the structure and function of gut microbiota, February 7, 2020. 
  • January 2020:
    • Dr. Jahangeer joins the group as a a postdoctoral researcher, January, 2020.
    • Huidong Xu joins the group to work as an undergraduate researcher for Spring 2020.
    • Aimee Kessell officially starts a PhD student position in the Song group from January 2020.  


  • September 2019:
    • Dr. Song is participating in Community Watershed Workshop to give an invited talk at PNNL, Richland, WA, September 11-12, 2019: Substrate-Explicit Modeling.
    • Aimee Kessell and Michael Tross join the group from PhD Program in Complex Biosystems for research during Fall Semeter 2019.